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How to drive donations during financially tough times

Driving donations during financially tough times can be a challenge, but it’s important for nonprofit organisations to continue their work even in the face of economic uncertainty. Here are four ways to drive donations during financially tough times.

1. Engage your community

Your supporters are your biggest asset when it comes to driving donations. Encourage them to get involved and help spread the word about your organisation. Ask them to share your story with their friends and family, and encourage them to host fundraising events on your behalf. 

You can also engage your supporters through newsletter email campaigns and other marketing channels. Encourage them to get involved in your cause by volunteering, participating in events, or spreading the word about your organisation through their own networks. Building a strong community around your cause can help to increase engagement and drive donations even during tough times.

2. Communicate with empathy

During tough times, it’s important to acknowledge your supporters’ challenges. Show them that you understand their struggles and that you’re there to support them. Be honest about the financial situation’s impact on your organisation, but also share your vision for the future and how their support can help you get there.

When communicating, use language that is compassionate, understanding, and supportive. Acknowledge that times are tough for everyone, but emphasise that your organisation makes a difference in people’s lives.

3. Make it easy to give

Make sure that your donation process is as straightforward and simple as possible. Offer multiple ways to give, including online, by mail, or by phone. Ensure your website is optimised for mobile giving and your donation form is easy to use.

Consider offering monthly giving options and one-time gifts to give supporters more flexibility in supporting you. Additionally, consider offering alternative forms of giving, such as stock donations or planned giving options, to diversify your fundraising efforts.

4. Highlight the impact of giving

People are more likely to give if they can see the impact of their donation. Share stories and statistics that demonstrate the difference that your organisation is making. Highlight the people and communities that you’re helping, and show how their lives have been positively impacted by your work.

When sharing impact stories, focus on specific individuals and their experiences, as these stories are more relatable and emotional for supporters. Consider using video and other multimedia elements to bring your stories to life and make a greater impact.

Additional notes

In addition to these strategies, consider partnering with other organisations or businesses in your community. Collaborating with others can help to increase exposure for your organisation and provide new opportunities for fundraising and community engagement.

For example, you could team up with a local bakery to sell cakes for donations.

Additionally, consider reaching out to your existing donors for additional support, as they may be more likely to give during tough times if they are already familiar with your organisation and the impact that you are making.

Key takeaways

Driving donations during financially tough times can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. By communicating with empathy, making giving easy, highlighting the impact of giving, engaging your community, and collaborating with others, you can create a successful fundraising strategy to help you continue your work and achieve your goals.

Remember that persistence, creativity, and adaptability to changing circumstances are the key to success. With the right approach and the support of your community, you can overcome any obstacle and continue to make a positive impact in the world.

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