Marketing Do you really need expensive SEO tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs? Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) has grown to be a crucial element of making your digital presence more prominent without having to spend on ads. This has led to an increase in people and businesses jumping to leverage SEO for themselves. To have the edge over others, many have started using SEO tools like SEMrush and […] Written by Ankit February 4, 2023April 6, 2023
Email Marketing 12 best email marketing tools to know about With several billion email accounts worldwide and around 235 billion emails sent per day, email marketing is still one of the best marketing tools. A good email marketing campaign can get you the attention of millions of people. Furthermore, according to Litmus, email marketing has the highest return on investment. For every $1 marketers spend […] Written by Ankit January 12, 2023February 2, 2024
Email Marketing 4 email design examples to get you inspired There probably are more people talking about good design for websites than email, for obvious reasons, but there are still plenty of people who think that good email design is important. In fact, a lot of the same principles that apply to designing good websites also apply to designing good email templates. The key is […] Written by Ankit January 6, 2023July 31, 2023
Email Marketing Easily collect feedback from your newsletter readers Collecting feedback on your newsletter is one of the most important steps to make sure that you are providing value to your readers and know what their thoughts are about the content you share. Knowing how to effectively gather feedback can be tricky, but there are some great strategies you can use to make sure […] Written by Ankit December 29, 2022April 6, 2023
Email Marketing Improve your newsletter sign-up conversion rate We have seen exponential growth in newsletters and email marketing happen in the past couple of years, and there’s no sign of stopping. That is great, but have you noticed that the number of people signing up for your newsletter is way lesser than the number of people visiting the page with the sign-up form […] Written by Ankit December 15, 2022August 4, 2023