Interviews with Experts

  1. Interviews with Experts
Since the advent of the internet and the rise of digital, marketing has become a whole lot more technical. As well as understanding the art of persuasion and behavioural economics, the modern day marketer also needs to know how to interpret data and understand how the technology used in marketing works.  Thanks to digital channels, […]
  1. Interviews with Experts
Since the rise of digital in the 1990s, marketing has become a broad field that encompasses everything from social media to SEO, branding to advertising. Within email marketing alone you’ll find specialisms that include copywriting and the more technical field of deliverability. But if, as we recently investigated, the stages and panels of email marketing […]
  1. Interviews with Experts
Marketing has traditionally been considered a career path well suited to women. And it’s often been an industry where you’ll generally find a healthy ratio of women to men. Yet this gender diversity has not always translated to more public arenas. Like industry conferences and events. For a long time, speaking panels have been heavily […]
  1. Interviews with Experts
Since the advent of digital marketing in the 1990s, men have dominated the arena. Google top digital marketing influencers and the majority of results will be men. Back in 2015, Moz analysed their Online Marketing Industry Survey and highlighted that women only accounted for, on average, 30% of the digital marketing workforce. And it’s not […]
  1. Email Marketing
  2. Interviews with Experts
Marketing has long been considered a fairly gender balanced industry. The creativity and empathy required to persuade customers to buy products and services are traits that women are considered to possess in abundance. And yet something curious happens when you step into the world of industry conferences and events. Women are not found in such […]
  1. Interviews with Experts
Marketing has been widely considered a welcoming industry for women. This year’s Email Geeks Survey Salary suggests that women are well-represented in director roles and earn healthy incomes for their expertise. Yet on the panels and stages of international industry conferences, the female species are not so well-represented. And in an effort to address this […]