Email Marketing Email marketing glossary: 10+ email terms you should know We have talked a lot about why email marketing is one of the best ways to market your product and service, but there are times when beginners don’t understand every word they come across during this journey. Some of them, such as BIMI, confuse a lot of experienced marketers, too. To solve this, we gathered […] Written by Ankit June 12, 2023September 1, 2023
Email Marketing Marketing Guide to use calls-to-action in emails (includes tips & examples) Email marketing has been a reliable form of marketing to grow and reach out to an existing audience for years. However, not every email campaign is successful, which boils down to how it was planned. Content, design, call-to-Action (CTA), and others play an important role in defining whether an email campaign will succeed. We have […] Written by Ankit June 5, 2023August 9, 2023
Email Marketing What is BIMI? The reason behind Gmail’s blue tick According to an independent report by Symantec in 2018, almost 85% of all emails are spam; there’s always a battle to stop them. Multiple efforts have included the implementation of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC, which has now become pretty mainstream. If you are already using EmailOctopus with a verified domain, then you are likely already […] Written by Ankit May 29, 2023May 31, 2023
Email Marketing Email checklist: Things to check before sending an email campaign You must have heard the saying “prevention is better than cure.” Well, it applies to your email campaigns as well. Once you press the send button, it’s sent; if there’s an error, you can’t do anything other than regret it. This is why it’s recommended to double check everything and have a checklist to identify […] Written by Ankit May 22, 2023July 31, 2023
Email Marketing Benefits of welcome emails, why and where you should be using them Most people who subscribe to an email list or a newsletter expect to receive their first email in the first few minutes. It’s also a great way to leave a long-lasting impression as welcome emails In this blog, we’ll discuss welcome emails, why and when you should use them. We’ll also discuss a few nice […] Written by Ankit May 15, 2023August 24, 2023
Email Marketing Marketing 4 reasons why bloggers should have an active newsletter As a blogger, you might think creating and posting blogs is the most important aspect of growing your audience. Though that’s true to a certain extent, there are many more things that need to be done to ensure you build and maintain a direct connection with your audience and consistently keep growing, as traffic from […] Written by Ankit May 1, 2023November 28, 2023
Email Marketing How to create a landing page for free In today’s digital world, if you’re about to launch something new, there’s no getting away from the fact that you need an online presence to make that launch successful. But websites are cumbersome and time-consuming things. And for individual creators, indie hackers and solo entrepreneurs, the effort required to create a website can be overwhelming. […] Written by Hollie Youlden April 20, 2023August 14, 2023
Email Marketing Marketing Skyrocket your email marketing with AI The new buzz on the internet after Web3 is AI and ChatGPT, which has been a hot topic lately, and it’s all over Reddit and Twitter. Though AI is a great writing companion, it is not recommended to use it for writing your complete newsletter or blog, as it would lack your personal thoughts and […] Written by Ankit April 17, 2023April 17, 2023
Email Marketing How to send a survey via email Improving your customer experience is essential for running a successful company. Companies that offer a better customer experience see higher customer satisfaction rates, increased revenues, and reduced customer churn. In fact, studies from PwC show that 17% of customers will leave a company after one bad customer experience. And 59% will leave after several bad experiences. The […] Written by Marvellous Aham-adi April 16, 2023April 25, 2024
Email Marketing 8 cheaper alternatives to Mailchimp in 2023 Since its inception in 2001, Mailchimp has become the biggest name in email marketing software. Today, the platform accounts for over 60% of market share with 12 million global users. What originally started out as a simple email provider has grown to become an all-in-one marketing solution. As well as sophisticated automation, Mailchimp now offers […] Written by Gareth April 15, 2023August 14, 2023