1. Email Marketing

Emojis in email subject lines: yay or nay?

In today’s digital age, it’s essential to communicate effectively with your audience, especially when it comes to email marketing. You want to ensure your audience are receiving and enjoying the content you’re putting out into the world.

One way to make your emails stand out is by using emojis in the subject line. But the question is: should you use emojis in email subject lines? What are the pros and cons of using emojis in email subject lines and should you avoid them? We’ll provide some tips to help you make the right decision.

The benefits of emojis

First, let’s look at the advantages of using emojis in email subject lines. Using emojis in email subject lines can increase open rates – and it’s easy to see why. They are attention-grabbing and can help your email stand out in a crowded inbox, and convey emotion and tone, making your email more personable and relatable. Additionally, emojis can help shorten your subject line and make it more visually appealing.

The downsides

While there are advantages, it’s not all good news. One major disadvantage is that emojis may not display correctly for all email clients or may display them differently, which could result in a subject line that looks unprofessional or confusing.

Another disadvantage is that emojis can be overused or misinterpreted, leading to a negative impression of your brand. Some audiences may not be receptive to emojis in email subject lines, particularly in a B2B context where a more professional tone may be required.

Should you steer clear of emojis in emails?

So, should you use emojis in email subject lines? The answer is it depends. If you are targeting a younger audience or promoting a more casual brand, emojis may be a great addition to your email subject lines. However, if you are targeting a more professional audience or promoting a serious product or service, emojis may not be appropriate. 

Ultimately, it’s essential to consider your brand voice and audience preferences when deciding whether to use emojis in your email subject lines. If you do decide to use emojis in email subject lines, here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Use emojis sparingly. Too many emojis can make your subject line look cluttered and unprofessional.
  • Make sure your emojis are relevant to your email content. Using a smiley face emoji in a subject line promoting a sale may be appropriate but using a pizza emoji may not.
  • Test your subject lines in various email clients to ensure that your emojis display correctly.
  • Avoid using emojis that may be offensive or inappropriate.


Using emojis in email subject lines can be an effective way to increase open rates and make your emails stand out. But it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks and make an informed decision based on your brand voice and audience preferences to make sure you’re making the right impression. By following the tips above, you can use emojis in email subject lines strategically and effectively for the best results.

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