1. Email Marketing

List of newsletter directories and aggregators

Picture of websites that feature in our list of newsletter directories and aggregators

If you’re just starting out on your personal newsletter journey, growing your audience might be one of the biggest challenges you face.

Word of mouth and contributions to online communities, such as Indie Hackers and Reddit, are a good place to start.

But if you want to reach a wider audience, submitting your newsletter to directories and aggregators is the next step. Directories serve as databases for readers to find newsletters in the topics that interest them most. While aggregators enable readers to consume newsletter content in one place.

Many of these directories promote newsletters on their social media channels, which gets you even more exposure. But that’s not the only benefit.

Having your newsletter listed on websites like these not only increases your discoverability. It also provides much-needed SEO value to your site. It’s known as link equity. And essentially means that when another website links to yours, they pass on ranking value.

So without further ado, here’s a list of newsletter directories and aggregators for submissions. And a bonus list of sponsorship marketplaces for when you’re ready to monetise your newsletter.

Newsletter directories

To save yourself some time, submit your newsletter to Duuce and your newsletter will be automatically submitted to four of the biggest directories (highlighted with an asterisk* in the list above).

Newsletter aggregators

Newsletter sponsorship marketplaces

Newsletter cross-promotion sites

To help us keep this list up-to-date, let us know in the comments below if any new directories or aggregators crop up. Or if any in this list need amending. Thanks!

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